
How to Shoot in Manual Mode

In a world of increasing automation, at least photography still offers the opportunity to stay alert, active, and in command. While intimidating at first, shooting in full manual mode provides creative control, proper metering in tricky light, and deeper integration into the entire process of making photos. If you give it time, manual photography can help you craft your best images.

In Favor of ‘P’ (Program mode) in Photography

Many of us started photography quite innocently— with small compact point-and-shoots, a smartphone, or a disposable film camera. The main advantage was that we didn’t need to think about all the technical settings when we made images—rather, we focused on capturing the “decisive moment”, the framing and composition as well as the emotional content within the frame.

The Manual Photographer’s Cheat Sheet: A Comprehensive Infographic for Beginners

As beneficial as the more automated style of photography can be at times, nothing quite compares to the control and connection you feel when shooting fully manual. This, however, is not always an easy task... especially when just starting out.

Enter a handy, incredibly detailed little infographic that will make sure you or your beginner photography friends can find their way around no problem.