‘Long Live Film’ Documentary Explores Love for Analog Photography
Congratulations, new adopters of film photography — you’re now officially a subculture!
The defining point, of course, is having an independent documentary film about your movement, and that’s just what mail-order processor Indie Film Lab is doing with “Long Live Film.”
Indie Lab hopes to have the feature finished in a few months. For now, enjoy the promising trailer, which elegantly makes the case for film as an artistic choice rather than a Luddite response to the modern world. “I like how it makes me shoot and why it makes me shoot as much as I like the look,” responds one photographer.
Indie Film Lab, founded in 2012 by photographer Josh Moates, does custom processing, scanning and printing of 35mm and medium-format film, along with considerable evangelism for keeping it old-school.
(via Imaging Resource)