
How to Learn from Photography Books: 5 Tips to Improve Your Work

I recently realized I have a problem: I buy too many books, especially photography books. Not those cheap kindle ones but those beautiful printed and expensive books, which ended up decorating my wall, or coffee table, and, in my case, possibly many coffee tables.

10 Best Photography Books You Should Read in 2024

The Internet is a treasure trove of information, but photography books are still a fantastic way to both learn about photography as well as be inspired by the work of leading photographers.

Photo Books Are the Cure for the Instagram Disease

Photographer and educator Ted Forbes from the Art of Photography YouTube Channel has published a nine-minute video on the subject of photo books, and how he believes that while they contain art, are also art themselves and are a cure for what many might see as the disease that is Instagram.

5 Books that Will Help You Conquer Creative Block

It happens to the best of us... and in 2020 it happens all the time: creative block. Whether it's a lack of inspiration, a lack of motivation, a lack of free time, or some combination of all three, we've all hit that wall where it feels like every one of our ideas is stale, everyone else is better or more prolific than us, and there's no real reason to keep trying.

A Primer on Collecting Photo Books

Revisiting my photography book collection has brought me much enjoyment during the lockdown. A dozen years ago, as the business of photography was good, I used the disposable income to start collecting. In this article, I summarize what I wished I knew back then, not only as a photographer and book collector but also from the perspective of a former art gallery owner and current publisher.

This Browser Extension Shows if Books on Amazon Are at Your Local Library

Want to learn photography from some good ol' physical books? Before clicking the Checkout button on Amazon or other online bookstores, you might want to check out the handy browser extension called Library Extension. It adds a box to Amazon book listings to show you if that book is available for free at your local library.

13 Photo Books for Your Stocking Stuffers

In the age of the iPad, there still is something glorious about a photo book. Here are a few of our favorites from 2014, so send Santa (or Hanukah Harry) a quick tweet, and get a big dose of inspiration this Holiday season.

Video: On Fear, Photography Books and Asking Yourself Why You Take Pictures

The folks over at F8 Photography recently got a chance to sit down with well-known, love-him-or-hate-him street photographer Eric Kim. And whatever your opinion of the successful street shooter, the advice he offers in this short video interview about fear, book recommendations, and figuring out the 'why' behind your photography is well-worth 4 minutes of your Saturday.

Common Photography Mistakes Made by Beginners Back in 1902

Why My Photographs Are Bad is a photography book for beginners first published in 1902 by a man named Charles Maus Taylor. The book contains many of the same basic tips that can be found in introductory books these days, but also many that are very specific to the way photography was done at the time. Here's a selection of common mistakes that newbie photographers were making over 100 years ago.

Street Photos of Commuters Reading on the Subway

New York-based artist and storyteller Ourit Ben-Haim's Underground New York Public Library project first began as sketches of rough photographs of people reading on trains. The photos are unrefined and voyeuristic, like reading over a stranger's shoulder.

Pulp Fiction Photos Using Book Covers

Artist Thomas Allen creates vintage scenes by cutting up pulp fiction book covers and turning them into dioramas. He also uses depth of field and lighting to add an extra dimension to the scenes.

Famous Photographers Holding Their Iconic Photographs

San Diego-based photographer Tim Mantoani has an awesome project and book titled "Behind Photographs" that consists of 20x24-inch Polaroid portraits of famous photographers posing with their most iconic photographs. The film costs $200 per shot, and Mantoani has created over 150 of the portraits already since starting the project five years ago.

The History of Photography According to Google Books

Google's new Books Ngram Viewer is a cool new site that allows you to search for words and view a graph of how the usage of that word has fluctuated over time. A quick search of the word "photography" in books published between 1835 and 2008 provides a pretty interesting look at the history of photography.

A Photography Book Featuring Work by Cooper the Cat

Here's one of those "I could do that! Yeah, but you didn't" things: a cat named Cooper recently published a book filled with his photographs, titled "Cat Cam". Basically, a couple named Michael and Deirdre Cross decided to attach a micro camera to their cat's collar, automatically snapping photographs every two minutes. The book has received pretty positive reviews from both critics (Good Morning America, People Magazine, etc...) and customers.

Everyday South Africans and Their Bikes

Nic Grobler and Stan Engelbrecht have a great photography project in which they examine the bicycling culture in South Africa.

[...] we are not photographing people who ride purely for exercise or recreation, but instead we are focussing on those who use bicycles as an integral tool in their day-to-day existence. We've noticed that in South Africa, especially in the major centers, very few people use bicycles as mode of transport. This is very strange since we have no proper public transport infrastructure, and that which does exist is expensive and unsafe.

The duo raised $15,000 through social funding website Kickstarter in 55 days, and traveled around South Africa meeting and photographing the cyclists they met. They're currently working on raising an additional $7,500 to have 3,000 copies of their Bicycle Portraits book published.