Want to Write for PetaPixel?
Interested in writing for PetaPixel? We are currently looking for freelance writers who are both passionate and knowledgeable about photography.
Interested in writing for PetaPixel? We are currently looking for freelance writers who are both passionate and knowledgeable about photography.
PetaPixel is looking for a part-time Web developer. If you have skills in building websites and are looking for some extra work, read on to find out how you can apply.
If you love both photography and travel, a dream job opening may have just opened up for you. A very wealthy family in the UK is reportedly looking for a photographer to travel the world with them, and the gig pays over $100,000 a year... not including travel, food, and expenses.
Want to hold one of the "one of the most important and high-profile jobs in visual journalism"? The New York Times has an opening for you: The Gray Lady is looking for a Photo Director.
A PetaPixel reader was browsing for photography gigs on craigslist in South Florida today when he came across this bizarre request: someone was looking to hire a photographer to provide an "unhappy experience."
Want to be a White House news photographer for the New York Times? If that's your dream photojournalism job opportunity, here's some great news: there's a job opening right now just for you.
Missed the chance to be "the next Ansel Adams" with the National Park Service? There's now another interesting job opening for photographers looking to shoot in a government position: the Supreme Court of the United States is currently looking for a photographer.
We were tipped to an "absurd" wedding photography job listing posted to Craigslist in New York City that apparently ruffled some feathers among photographers.
If you love both Netflix and Instagram, there's a sweet new job opening that may interest you. Netflix is looking to hire "Grammasters" -- or master Instagram snappers -- to visit TV and movie sets in Europe and document them in Instagram photos.
Warning: this is a rant. This one just left me shaking my head. Sure, there are probably times when you think the words “Photography Experience Not Required” might be completely applicable or acceptable. But how about in a job listing for a camera store?
We reported last December that the National Park Service photography program had posted a new job listing for a full-time photographer to document the country's natural landscapes -- the same position once held by legendary photographer Ansel Adams.
With the application window now closed, Rich O'Connor of the Park Service was just interviewed on NPR's All Things Considered about the position. You can listen to the 4.5-minute interview above.