The Best Cheap Film Cameras for Beginners in 2024
Film is not making a comeback, it has come back. Photography students I teach are always so excited to start their journey in shooting, developing, and enlarging film, until they start.
Kyle Agee is a lifelong photography enthusiast and educator based in Northwest Arkansas who has worked for the last 20 years as a commercial and documentary photographer. Kyle has a deep love for analog and alternative process photography and routinely works in medium and large format film as well as lith, cyanotype, and wetplate collodion. For the past 12 years, Kyle has taught all aspects of photography at the university level and gains deep fulfillment from watching other photographers progress along their journey.
Film is not making a comeback, it has come back. Photography students I teach are always so excited to start their journey in shooting, developing, and enlarging film, until they start.
The funk sucks. No matter who you are and no matter how long you've been at your art, everybody experiences the funk. Maybe you've even named your funk, mine is named Jeff. No real reason. Just feels a little bit more manageable whenever I've applied a name to it.
When Apple announced their new M1-powered iPad Pro in April of 2021, I totally ignored it. I thought to myself, “Why in the world would anyone be willing to pay a grand for an iPad?!?”
It will come as shock to no one that digital cameras are as complex as the manufacturing processes that make them. Thanks to the wizardry of Steven Sasson, our photographic pursuits are inextricably linked to the cold mass of integrated circuits, photovoltaic diodes, and the other discrete components that make up our modern tools.
We have all heard that “real photographers get it right in camera.” Whether it is attached to some asinine argument about shooting RAW vs JPEG or a preachy lecture about the pitfalls of using anything but manual mode, there can be a lot of pressure to get perfect images right out of the camera. There can also be an apathetic tendency to just “fix it in post”. Both extremes have their downfalls and I have found that a balanced approach is essential for personal development and happiness.
I think we have all been there. After the culling, editing, and sweating over every detail we post our latest masterpiece only to be greeted by three likes. One is from our mother, the other two from our friends that know nothing about photography. It is demoralizing.