
To Get Better at Lighting, See Light Through the Eyes of a Cinematographer

Almost everything I do as a photographer comes back to this challenge: seeing light as a cinematographer would on set. I was recently reminded of this in conversation with a friend and fellow photographer as I was trying to think of the best advice I could give to someone wanting to step up their lighting game. So I’m sharing one of my lighting journals from film school, it was my sort of “ah ha” moment after several semesters of confusion and frustration when it came to lighting.

The Lumenati CS1 ‘Smartcase’ Turns Your iPhone Into a Classic Cinema Camera

The Lumenati CS1 is a cinematic smartphone case aimed at bringing a more enjoyable experience to shooting video. Designed by Lumenati, a collection of filmmakers, animators, and designers in Denver, Colorado, the CS1 looks to "combine the technological features of a digital device with the cool design, ergonomic ease and natural narrative that the lo-fi classic camera is known for." Basically, it transforms your iPhone 6 into an old-school cinema camera.

Kai Gives Phillip Bloom a Barbie Camera in New DigitalRev Cheap Camera Challenge

Editor's Note: There is a bit of strong and suggestive language used in a few of the scenes.

The Pro Photog Cheap Camera Challenge is one of our favorite segments that the folks over at DigitalRev put together. Beyond just proving the point that it's the photographer, and not the camera, that makes great pictures, the episodes are fun to watch and often very educational.

In the past they've put everyone from David Hobby to Vincent Laforet to the test, but this time they decided to up the ante. The victim this time around is world-class cinematographer Phillip Bloom, who will be embarking on this challenge with a not-so-capable Barbie camera in tow.