This Short Film Was Shot Through the Viewfinder of a Hasselblad

Here’s a new short film titled “Peripheral” by freelance film photographer and cinematographer Casey Cavanaugh. An interesting thing about it is that the story is told entirely through the ground glass viewfinder of a Hasselblad 500C/M.

“It was shot entirely through the viewfinder of my Hasselblad 500C/M via a custom mount I built,” Cavanaugh tells PetaPixel. “The story tackles the idea that perhaps wanting to document everything in your life will cause you to miss out on what is truly important.”

Photographers often struggle with the difficult choice between putting the camera down and “experiencing a moment fully” versus picking the camera up and documenting the moment for a lifetime, so this short film may strike a chord with you.

Cavanaugh is the same photographer who recently built himself a DIY Hasselblad Xpan. You can find more of his work on his website, Instagram, and YouTube.
